Li-Ion Batteries
CEA 4001 Sprinkler Systems
Planning and Installation
TECHNICAL BULLETIN CEA 4001-TB-001-Recycling Plants
Protection concepts for Waste Recycling plants
TECHNICAL BULLETIN CEA 4001-TB-002-Third Party Inspection
Third Party Inspection
Document accessible gratuitement (après connexion)
This technical bulletin is intended to be used in combination with CEA 4001. It completes the CEA 4001 rule by providing specific requirement for Li-Ion Batteries storage.
Testing and research are ongoing. The provided design criteria for sprinkler protection reflects the current (2022) research and design status that are based on tests conducted on Li-Ion batteries.
Until further test and research, the guidelines in this TB should also be applicable to Li-polymer and Li-Fe-Phosphate.
Unless specified differently in this technical bulletin, all the provisions of CEA 4001 shall be fulfilled.